Friday, September 28, 2007

Our New Baby-Bonnie!

We picked up our new baby dog today from Tommy & Susie. She is a lhasa apso, who is only 8 weeks old. They named her Bonnie...which we think we will keep. And I'm sure we will come up with a hundred other nicknames to call the little preciousness! Here's some pics...adorable huh?


audrey lasalle said...

oh my word, she is just dorb. hopefully diddles won't be too jealous of her. let me know how the potty training goes...

Katie and Jaimee said...

Oh my god - dorbshire.

JH said...

oh my dorbie. .. can't wait to coodle with bonnie. . .

audrey lasalle said...

i love your little cute dog. i want to come over and visit her. i am going to bring huckles over some day so he can play with diddles. i'll see you next time.
