It has been awhile since my last blog, and a lot has changed since then...let's see... where do I begin! :) To start we are now living in Jetersville, Virginia. Yes we moved from NC to her neighboring state VA. This process all started when my dad came out to NC to help us out and to check out Raft Swamp Farms. Let's just say that his insight was very helpful...and this was the time we decided to volunteer at Raft Swamp Farms instead of start farming right away. During that trip, he mentioned that he had 6 acres of land with a large 1930's farm house on it. That got all of us thinking (dad included) about the possiblity of farming together on dad's land. So the idea took root in our heads and we talked about it for several weeks before deciding we should go for it! We were concerned with getting out of our lease, quitting my job, and disappointing Raft Swamp Farms...but somehow it all worked out. Our landlord found a tenant within 24 hours, I ditched the Fresh Market, and we let Jackie & Louie know about our new opportunity. In fact, we weren't sure when we would move exactly, but we ended up finding out on Wednesday that the new tenant wanted to be in the house on Saturday. So we packed up the totally unpacked house on Thursday & Friday, rented a moving truck on Saturday and drove to VA. Whew...but the unloading was still in front of us...somehow we got all our stuff out of the truck by Monday and started setting up house. Did I mention we are actually living with my dad? :) It is working out wonderfully....we are getting along really well and thankfully we all have plenty of space. We are all doing a great job of pitching in (cooking, cleaning, etc) and the greatest thing is that we all laugh A LOT. I haven't laughed so much in my dad and Jamie are quite comical and get along really well.
Our plan is to start a large garden in the spring to produce enough veggies for a 50-100 people CSA...(Community Supported it if you aren't sure what it is) and deliver to the surrounding cities (Richmond, Farmville). We are excited about this new opportunity and have realized we have to go with the flow and take steps towards what we want to do in life. It has been quite a journey thus far, but I can't say I miss city life and all that goes with it! I do miss all my friends and family...but surely not that Phoenix heat! Sorry y'all...until next time! PEACE