Sunday, July 8, 2007

Our House

I left off on my last posting on our living situation. James and I came to North Carolina for several reasons, one was to be farmers at Raft Swamp Farms. Raft Swamp Farms is an organnic incubator farm, which basically is a place for you to learn with hands-on experience. If you are interested in checking them out the website is Anyhow...the farm is located in Raeford, NC, so we were hoping to find a place to rent in that area. We checked all the local newspapers, 5 or more real estate offices, and drove around the whole city looking for a small house to rent. Unfortunately we were having no luck! :( So on a whim, James and I made the 16 mile drive to 3 neighboring cities: Aberdeen, Southern Pines, and Pinehurst. We found a cute little coffee shop, ordered our coffee and sat down with the local paper. We found several listings for houses in our price range (which is it's a little bit of a "ritzy" city) and called on them. After many analyzing conversations, we realized that we probably would want to live in Aberdeen. We decided that we would have an easier time at finding job's in this particular area and there was much more in the way of a social life. Aberdeen is a small city with a charming historic downtown with plenty to do surrounding it.

We moved in on Friday June 2nd. We had our POD delivered and James, Trudy (his mom), and I unloaded and unpacked the entire POD within 2 days. We were working hard! Trudy was wonderful...especially helpful with cleaning! Those 2 days were tiresome and we were a bit irritable realizing some of the flaws with our place..or more like the kitchen (no dishwasher, washer in kitchen, weird linoleum walls) But we have adjusted and are really enjoying it. We have a big back yard with lots of wild stuff growing...and James and I just dug up a small space for a home garden. The soil is much different than AZ; a lot easier to work with and it seems much more fertile! Here are some pictures of our place! Gotta love that kitchen!

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