Monday, October 8, 2007

Week with Jess

Jess left today to go home to Tempe; we had a great time while she was here. Our week mainly consisted of eating tasty treats, knitting into oblivion, solving the worlds problems, playing with the dogs, afternoon naps, eating some more...basically we had some good times. It really is wonderful to have family come visit; it's a reminder of old times and how special my family is to me. They definetely give light to my world! So for those of you reading who are family, just remember that I think everyone of you are "wonderful people"! :) Seriously you all so much and wish I weren't so far away :( Here's a few pics of this past week!


JH said...

Hi Cher,

I love you so much and had SO SO SO much fun with you! Thanks for being such a "wonderful person". BTW I'm almost finished with The Spirit of Disobedience. . .love!

Charlene who loves Charlottesville

JH said...

P.S. The pictures are DORBY. . . just like Schnooker P Magnum Bonnified!

audrey lasalle said...

we miss you too holly and can't wait to see you!

NABR said...

Oh, so beautiful... I MISS you. I'm glad you had fun together... I am still in San Francisco on the Warm Hearth trip...and am in a little coffee shop in between meetings. Love you. xoxoxoxo